The Support Unit covers all school years and is divided into K-6, 7-12 and Autism groups.
We work in close conjunction with mainstream teachers and our students enjoy the benefits of a dynamic educational environment.
The talents and interests of our students are encouraged and developed in a caring learning environment.It's all about ability, not disability.
Students With Physical Disabilities
Our school was purpose built to meet the needs of students with physical disabilities, ensuring ease of access for wheelchairs and those with vision impairment.
Students enrolled in the Support Unit have diverse physical, medical and learning needs.Opportunities exist for full or partial integration.
Staff work in partnership with families and school therapy teams to address students' medical and physical needs.
Our experienced staff has supported students with a range of disabilities including; cerebral palsy, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, degenerative conditions, acquired brain injury, learning disabilities, vision and hearing impairment.
A diverse range of school based and community activities are enjoyed by our students throughout the year.These include swimming and athletics carnivals, excursions and camps, community access, Northcott Sports Carnivals, Sailability, Variety Club events, Circus Quirkus, work experience, film making.
Watch our Support Unit students joined 10C to have a game of Wheelchair Basketball.
A variety of specialised technology is accessed by our students, enabling them to engage with the curriculum.Such as;- interactive whiteboards, large keypads, iPads, various communication devices and text to speech programs.
The Lucas Heights Community School Autism Support Program
The LHCS Autism Support Program was established in 2007 as a new DEC initiative. The program is designed to meet the growing demand for appropriate placement for students on the autism spectrum who have high functioning autism. We currently have three Autism Support classes.
Lucas Heights Community School has a policy of inclusion for students with disabilities. The model that has been implemented by the Special Education team at LHCS is an integration model. Students enrolled in the Autism Program attend mainstream classes and they are supported in the classroom by a number of support staff, either teachers or School Learning Support Officers (formerly known as teachers' aides).
Individual learning difficulties or sensory issues are taken into consideration by staff so that adjustments and/ or modifications can be made to allow students to meet learning outcomes.
In the short amount of time the Autism Program has been running, students and staff have experienced a high level of achievement. In 2008 Mrs Sally Green, Autism Support Teacher, was awarded the international Spirit of Support Award in recognition for outstanding support for people with Autism or Asperger's Syndrome.Three out of four students who have graduated from the Lucas Heights Community School Autism Support Program have enrolled in tertiary education studies at either TAFE or university.
Watch us make a tile mural (pdf 1450 KB)
Our students enjoy a range of fun activities in class and some great excursions.
Watch our Award Winning Support Unit Movie The Track Less Travelled. Click the link below
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data - School Students with Disability Collection of Data (pdf 101 KB)