Our school is a reading community and the library provides over 25,000 varied resources that stimulate children to read widely and develop a love of literature early.
Our students participate in the Premier's Reading Challenge, Kids Own Australian Literature Awards and Children's Book Week.
They experience the opportunity to meet and talk with popular authors each year.
Our web-based library catalogue, Oliver, can be accessed from your home via the student portal. There, students can browse the catalogue in the comfort of home to assist them in making selections.
Library services for students and staff include:
- a non-fiction collection which is relevant to the school's K-12 curriculum
- internet access
- a comfortable space for study and work, both individually and in small groups
- professional assistance to locate and use information
- access to an array of computer software, programs and devices.
- periodicals for current information
- a wide variety of recreational reading materials and assistance with selecting books, including those on the Premier's Reading Challenge lists.
Learning Commons
At Lucas Heights Community School we are excited to reveal our brand new Learning Commons. A project developed within the existing Senior Library space. This centre has been designed to provide students with a multi-purpose learning environment catering for the learning needs of 21st Century students. The Learning Commons offers a range of contemporary flexible teaching and learning spaces ideal for self-directed group work, discussions, project based tasks, independent study and technology driven learning.
The Learning Commons has a program focused on interdisciplinary activities and provides a comfortable and sophisticated space for students to collaborate and engage in their learning. It is open all week for classes and study periods, and at recess and lunchtime, giving students unlimited access to the wide range of technology, literary and multimedia resources and facilities available.