K-6 SRC Term 1 2012
The K-6 SRC has settled into their leadership roles this term. They meet each Wednesday during lunch and discuss issues relating to K-6 within the school. The students brainstorm ideas and activities to make Lucas Heights Community School an even better place.
So far this term the SRC have:
- organised a ‘Mufti, Fruit Stick and Popper Day' with proceeds going towards new playground markings
- led tours around the school for prospective 2013 Kindergarten parents
- organised the K-2 Easter Hat Parade, Stage 2 Easter model competition and Stage 3 Easter Card competition combined with a Gelato Cup and Popper Day. Proceeds from the day have purchased ‘Buddies Not Bullies' wristbands for all K-6 students. These will be used for the Peer Support and Buddies Programs next term.
- further developed leadership skills. Year 5 SRC and Year 6 Leadership Team students attended the National Young Leaders Day at The Sydney Entertainment Centre.
The Leadership Team have run morning assemblies, Stage 2 and 3 assemblies and assisted early Stage 1 and Stage 1 assemblies.
It has been a busy term for the newly elected student representatives. Ideas are being discussed and planned for Term 2.