25 Mar 2015

Lucas Heights Community School are proud to announce that we are one of the 25 lucky schools in NSW to be selected to attend the 2015 ANZAC Ceremony in Gallipoli commemorating 100 years. Today the four students and a staff member have been annouced who will join students from across Australia. They will also accompany descendants of those that served at Gallipoli, Australian First World War widows, and the thousands of Australians who were successful in the national ballot in participating in the commemoration ceremonies that will take place next year. LHCS has had a long association with the Woronora RSL and pride ourselves on our dignified ceremonies commemorating our past and relish this opportunity.
The Minister for Veterans Affairs has approved and announced that the students who will be attending Gallipoli in 2015 include Veronica R (yr 12 and School Captain), Alicia H (yr12), Kristen G (yr10) and Ethan W (yr10). They will be accompanied by Kate Graham Head Teacher HSIE. Congratulations. A biography on all the students and staff can be found at:
There were many students and staff who expressed a wish to attend the tour and were unsuccessful. For those students the school is offering them the opportunity to take part in the Camp Gallipoli camp out in Centennial Park on the evening of the 24th April 2015. Payments of $115 are due to the office for students wishing to take part from years 9-11 2014 on Friday 12th December. Please see excursion information page.
Tour Selection Process (pdf 560 KB)
Gallipoli 2015 Tour FAQ's (pdf 822 KB)